Have Plans Tonight? Cancel Them. Sarah Palin Is Interviewing Donald Trump.

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Fed up with media bullies attacking Donald Trump's purported Bible fanaticism, Sarah Palin announced she will be interviewing the GOP front-runner and nonactive church member for what's sure to be a circus of a conversation
. In a Facebook post today, the former vice presidential candidate and fired Fox News host explained her plans:
sarah palin in facebook :
WTH? Lamestream media asks GOP personal, spiritual "gotchas" that they'd NEVER ask Hillary, or they'd feed the question to her and/or liberal cohorts before they asked it on-air (we know how these things work, lapdog media... the public's on to you), so good on Trump for screwing with the reporter. By the way, even with my reading scripture everyday I wouldn't want to answer the guy's question either... it's none of his business; it IS personal; what the heck does it have to do with serving as commander-in-chief; and these reporters trying to trip up conservatives can go pound sand until they ask the same things of their favored liberal pals. I'll cover this in my interview with Donald Trump and other candidates tonight on the One America News Network show "On Point." The more the media does this, the more they empower America to reject them and their bias as voters run to the anti-status quo candidates daring to Go Rogue.
- Sarah Palin
What exactly is One America News? Unclear, but here's how to access it.It's all happening.
source: http://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2015/08/sarah-palin-interview-donald-trump

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